National Min Wage
The Department of Employment and Labour announced that the National Minimum Wage (#NMW) in South Africa will increase by 4.5% to R21.69 per hour from March 1, 2021.
Farmworkers will now earn the full minimum #wage. Prior to the wage hike, they earned R18.68 (90% of the NMW).
Domestic workers and gardeners are now entitled to R19,09 per hour, up from R15.57. They will now earn 88% of the minimum wage, whereas they were only entitled to 75% before. The Labour Department said the sector will be aligned with the minimum wage at the next review
Basic conditions of Employment Act
The earnings threshold in the #BCEA will be increased to R211 596.30 per annum (before tax and contributions). This threshold is important as individuals earning below it get greater protection from the Labour Relations Act and the Employment Equity Act. #Equaltreatment and #deeming provision the biggest impact to businesses.