The true test of Covid-19 for corporate South Africa is still on the horizon with the next two to three months marked as critical milestones with regards to the survival of many businesses. Several relief measures are easing off - #Debt payments holidays, #TERS relief funding, supplier extended terms or rental relief.
Much of this relief has been channeled to keeping these businesses operationally afloat during the last few months. For the businesses that have been able to commence trading, the big question is has their top line (Sales) recovered beyond their traditional #breakeven point and will they be able to meet these additional #cashflow commitments as they become due.
Now more than ever companies need the ability to estimate and generate timely, accurate cashflow #forecasts coupled with cashflow #management tools to facilitate quick day to day decisions aimed at cash retention.
Interested to know how we have helped our clients overcome these and many other challenges or more importantly what we could do to assist you. Contact us wmanthe@nableint.com.